July 2014 Eurasian Review
July 30, 2014Eurasia Review November 2014
There is nothing more joyous at the Bucharest International Church than water baptism. Ninety people gathered during this mid-week event to celebrate with the seven who were baptized. One observer said, “You’ll see more flowers at a baptism than at a wedding!” Water baptism is not taken lightly; it is an intentional decision that sets them apart from historical orthodoxy. Photos are taken, family and friends come. Toni, one of the young men baptized, invited his university friend, Mohammed, from Tunisia to witness the event. This momentous occasion is a time of inspiration and witness to many people.
Pitesti: 3 + 1 = 4
Thanks to the Winnipeg Grace Church team followed up by the Cedarview team from New Market, the girls in the human trafficking shelter were thrilled to have the old carpets removed and new, clean floor tiles placed throughout the bedroom and central hall area. A greater restoration, however, was seeing three of the girls and a friend baptized in the summer warmth of a nearby lake. What a forward step for these young women as they leave behind the horrific personal horrors from human trafficking.
Sunday Line Fellowship: White Rock, BC
In celebrating the 1st anniversary of our church plant in the Community Hall, “Church in the Park”, Debora was baptized in the beautiful, outdoor setting of Bakerview Park. As someone who formerly practiced witchcraft, she is now seeing her life transformed with new purpose and significance.
In Honor of God’s great GOODNESS!
John 4:14 “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
God’s word is being fulfilled as we were able to baptize these new believers. These are great steps of growth.
We leave for Bucharest October 14th through the end of November. Please keep Romania in mind as the Presidential Election takes place in November.