Welcome back, Kathy!
June 30, 2013A New Look at Poverty and a Bag of Groceries
September 9, 2013Dan: I’ve water baptized people in the Mediterranean Sea, in swimming pools even in plastic kiddie pools but this bath tub baptism was truly one of those awesome moments. Iana Matei, awarded for her fight against human trafficking and founder of the shelter, entered the room where the girls were busy doing crafts. “C.., do you still want to be baptized,” she asked? “Dan is a minister and he is willing to do it.” “Yes,” she immediately replied. “Me, too,” said M… emphatically raising her hand. “I’ve been waiting for a long time.” “And, I want to be, as well,” added B…
[hr_invisible] These girls want so much to be loved, accepted, given hope. Often, they are not thought to yet be ‘good’ enough or to understand salvation enough in order to be received and take this step in a local church baptistery. But, after spending some time with the girls, it was evident that they believe in Jesus and want new life in Him. And so we moved to the upstairs bathroom, ran the water in the tub, listened as each girl expressed her desire to serve God and rejoiced with them as they took this step of faith. It was so powerful to see their response as they knew they were received, accepted and loved and have identity as a part of God’s family.