Recycling – Even in Armenia!
August 28, 2012
Armenia. Honour and Humility
September 24, 2012In this beautiful country and city we saw our host and colleague, Rod Cocoran, preach his first sermon in the Estonian language. Following his message a couple responded and gave their lives to the Lord. What is so inspiring is to hear how Rod poured his life into the young man who now brought this couple to the altar for prayer. It’s like 2 Timothy 2:2 where we see Paul investing in Timothy who reaches faithful men who reach others also.
“Thank-you for creating a context where we were willing to receive in an area of our greatest need,” commented Rod of our time with them. “We are proud to be a part of an organization PAOC/Eurasia Now that cares about relationship and cares about its members. Your trip has given us fresh life for the exciting season that we are in and we want to push forward in Estonia/Europe. You have positively impacted our kids and made an investment in their lives as well as ours.”