Taking a stroll through an ancient town outside Ponferrada with Pastors Samuel and Vanesa and couples from their church just prior to the Saturday evening marriage […]
Toledo: ancient capital of Spain, center of torture for the Spanish inquisition where chains still hang down the walls of cathedrals, former capital of Judaism after […]
Getting to know the congregation in Seseña – just south of Madrid – in this new church plant pastored by Guillermo and Ana from Dominican Republic. […]
A Sunday evening service at the Salem Church Madrid was a great way to connect with our Salem family before beginning our month of visitation with the other churches throughout Spain.
During the last 8 ½ years, our Sunday gatherings of the Bucharest International Church have taken place in a historic building, city center, which housed the […]
Leanne and Darcy McAlister, Personnel & Family Life Director for PAOC International Missions, visited from BC and ministered to our congregation in a variety of settings. […]
In Bucharest, Mark met with Pastor Cristi to discover functional ways to deepen the leadership and theological base in a way that will fit with present […]
Dan travelled from Bucharest to Spain with Mark and Kim, our son-in-law and daughter, to introduce them to the ministry team in Madrid. Pedro David of […]