June 2020
Since 1998, saving and improving the lives of the victims of one of the most hideous crimes - trafficking in young women
Sheep to Weed!
“The old lavender has blossomed already and the new lavender is smaller but getting stronger,” writes Iana. “The latest news on the farm is that we asked a shepherd to move in with his sheep to help with the weeding. It started as an experiment because the sheep don’t eat lavender - they only eat the weeds between the rows. Two weeks ago, I found out that this is a method that the lavender farmers in France are using. It is the most ecological and their lavender oil is much more expensive than the regular one:)”
“In a couple of weeks,” continues Iana, “the lavender will be ready to harvest so we are on the land until we finish the job. We know that the little we have, blessed by God, can become 12 baskets full and left over for the ones God cares about – the children that He wants in His kingdom.”
Adapting Romanian Legislative Laws
“In regard to the standards for minors and adapting the Romanian legislation, I found out that this pandemic was helpful in the sense that more people rally around the topic. We now have an expert in international legislation who pointed out all the irregularities that the National Agency is trying to push forward. So much so that we can go to court and ask for the solution of the National Agency based on wrongful intent. At this moment I am trying to fix an appointment with the minister of justice because he is the one who can initiate the annulment of the three articles that state the government has supremacy over the NGO's.”
Today Iana sent an update to let us know that she has been invited to the General Prosecutor’s office this week to discuss ‘the matter of human trafficking’. This comes following the proposal for legislative measures that she sent to the Minister of Justice.
- God's favor and positive results.
- That the National Agency won't be able to resist even if they want to. As Iana comments, “Just like the diviner, Balaam, who was asked to curse Israel and ended up blessing them every time, so the prosecutor will bless the girls with the measures that are much needed.” (Numbers 22,23,24)
Iana concludes, “We know that God is in charge with this and we rest in His finished work”.