February 2023

Our Bucharest International Church has a NEW FACE!

Our ‘new-to-us’ facility shows nine rows of windows on the street front of a five-story building. We have use of two of those levels. Buildings do have importance as they allow us to serve people. This new site, acquired at the end of November 2022, is already hosting larger Sunday gatherings, events for children and teens, and a variety of activities throughout the week.

Including our Activity Center and the work of the maternal care shelter and home, we now have four buildings within a few short blocks that serve for meaningful ministry at the Bucharest International Church.

Nepalese Gathering

We continue to see hundreds of new workers coming into Romania. They are part of the new work force from countries like Nepal and Sri Lanka. Our Nepalese church actively reaches into this community, building new friendships and relationships.

There was standing room only as over one hundred Nepalese gathered on Christmas day to celebrate and to prepare and enjoy together a traditional Nepalese meal.

Ongoing Work with Ukrainian Refugees

The last couple of years have held their unique challenges. Just as life was beginning to become more stable following the pandemic, the war in Ukraine threw another curve ball. Though Bucharest is not on the front, it is the closest capital along Ukraine’s southwest border.

UBC22, a group of seven Bucharest churches of which our church is one, has hosted about 4000 Ukrainian refugees over the last year. UBC vans have convoyed in hundreds of tons of food and supplies to Ukraine.

Every Sunday, Ukrainians, mostly mothers with their children, meet in our R10 Activity Center. “Do we get pizza again tonight,” ask the children. And, yes, they do, each Sunday evening. Pastor Cristi says, “I learned how to use our espresso machine and have made hundreds of cups of coffee for the adults. I have seen the children grow one full head since arriving last April.” Messages are received from those now living in the US, Canada, and across Europe after transitioning through Bucharest.

“It has been great in that we have met new people, have an opportunity to serve and have a presence in time of need. But there is so much difficulty, so much pain,” says Pastor Cristi. “As a church we want to keep on employing Vera who is working with communications, logistics and translation for the Ukrainian community. We do need financial help to continue the Ukraine outreach. We thought the war might last six months, now a year has passed, and it will be a year or so after the war ends before there is some normalcy.”

Pray for strength and protection for the Ukrainian people. God is their provider for each need.

Reaching Out Romania with director Iana Matei

Reasons for Joy

Things have not been easy for 14-year-old *Raluca. As she receives birthday wishes, she experiences affirmation and encouragement. The shelter offers a different world than she has previously known.

“We celebrate the present, we celebrate your courage, we celebrate kindness and the hope for a much better future,” declares Iana.

*Name changed for privacy

A Question of Standards

“The law looks good on paper,” Iana explains, “but in practice many of the articles contradict each other and so cannot be implemented.” Iana is presently writing a paper to circulate to judicial and governmental groups across Europe. She hopes that it will bring clarity and make the law practical so the child victims of trafficking will benefit and be protected.

As Iana Matei speaks via media news, Europa Liberă România, she questions: “Children are recruited directly on Whats App. Where are the government’s standards against human trafficking?”

A Heart-felt Thank You!

Iana thanks each person for the support received for Reaching Out Romania in 2022. “Every response received, word of encouragement, donation, brought a smile to the children in the center; a smile that brings them closer to a normal childhood. In 2023 may we be kinder, more involved, tolerant and responsible.”