Madrid Salem Leadership Connection

Madrid 1Madrid 2Dan travelled from Bucharest to Spain with Mark and Kim, our son-in-law and daughter, to introduce them to the ministry team in Madrid. Pedro David of the Salem Church did an excellent job hosting and organizing the time as Mark and Kim became acquainted with the Salem work in the city. Particularly enjoyable were the visits to the home groups where younger people mingle with older adults because they deeply desire those cross-generational relationships.

Madrid home groupWith Mark’s expanded role in theological development of our Eurasia Region, Pedro David was keen to discover how Mark and Kim could bring contribution to their many young leaders. Though Kim had not been in Spain since her years as a young teen, her fluency in Spanish resurfaced and she was able to do much of the needed translation during discussions.

Bucharest International Church

Mark Cristi KimIn Bucharest, Mark met with Pastor Cristi to discover functional ways to deepen the leadership and theological base in a way that will fit with present lifestyle and the need of our developing leaders.

Following Mark’s Wednesday evening class that focused on seeing Jesus throughout the book of Revelation, several were heard to say, “We need more of that kind of teaching!”
Rev study 1Rev study 2Leanne and Darcy McAlister, Personnel & Family Life Director for PAOC International Missions, visited from BC and ministered to our congregation in a variety of settings. Couples were inspired to strengthen and refresh their relationship during the Saturday marriage seminar, the Sunday morning congregations were encouraged to experience and express Christ’s agape love, and the ladies, during their Sunday evening session with Leanne, were challenged to better understand their identity.
Marriage Seminar 1Marriage Seminar 2


Tiffany Nov 2013 008Tiffany Nov 2013 008Against an aggressive take over
Tiffany Nov 2013 008During the last 8 ½ years, our Sunday gatherings of the Bucharest International Church have taken place in a historic building, city center, which housed the Austro Hungarian Embassy 100 years ago. Our church auditorium is located on the 2nd floor of this beautiful building and, with its 2 balconies, has a theater type atmosphere and arrangement.
Some months ago a restaurant was opened on the ground floor. Gradually this new group of renters began to make more demands, take over our space to enhance their business, remove and break some of our equipment and make changes to this historic building without legal permit. Discussion with the owners has been without effect as we see our contract ignored and little spirit of cooperation.
We ask your prayers for wisdom as to how our church leaders should respond and proceed. Perhaps God is directing us elsewhere or could there be another workable solution?

Skills developed at the Shelter for Human Trafficking

Our niece, Tiffany, freelance journalist presently on assignment in North West Romania, joined our visit with Iana Matei at the human trafficking shelter. What an awesome reality to once again speak with girls as young as 13 years of age seeking to gain a sense of normality and healing in their broken lives.
Tiffany shelter Girl shelter

Connect with us:

Dan and Mardell MacTavish
Global Workers Eurasia

14166 Malabar Avenue,
White Rock, BC V4B 2Y3