April 2018
Historically, Bucharest International Church is known as a gathering place for young adults who come to the capital city for educational purposes and a discovery and development of their faith and future. Some return to their city of origin with a deeper sense of who they are and how they can contribute both in their chosen profession and in their community.
- Ruben, Associate Pastor BIC
- Mihaela, 20 years in Japan
- Diana, Assigned to Singapore
Others, such as one of our Associate Pastors, Ruben Mihai, remain with a sense of calling to the city and the church. Ruben is now an integral part of the Ministry Leadership Team ministering in English and Romanian to those of various languages who gather from across Romania, Asia, Africa, Europe and North America.
Many leave Bucharest and find work in various European and North American countries. Romanians have a tremendous ability to learn language easily – a gift and skill that opens doors for them around the world. For example, Diana wrote her master’s thesis in mandarin and has just begun a foreign assignment in Singapore as part of Romania’s diplomatic core.
Mihaela, our first language teacher was a new believer when she began giving us Romanian language classes 23 years ago. Three years later we drove her to the airport where she flew to Japan to begin a ministry that she has continued over these past two decades. Though living in impoverished circumstances, using an outdoor toilet, she remains faithful to her calling, teaching 5 different languages as a connecting point with the Japanese community.
Our Privilege and Joy
Knowing the exceptional impact these young adults have in the city, country and nations of the world is the reason we love each opportunity to encourage them, to speak into their lives individually, in small group sessions, in informal settings – doing life together!
- Young Adult Workshop
- Marriage Seminar
- Church Interaction
- Saying Good Bye to Deli
Stormy Travel
A second and even more severe late-spring ice storm and blizzard accompanied us on our Sunday afternoon drive to the Floresti Pentecostal Church, 1 ½ hours north of Bucharest. The evening was marked by rich fellowship and God’s presence and the 24th year we have been ministering there with Pastor Eugen Filote.