May 2023
Dan comments: God has a big family!
It is an amazing experience when God surprises us; when He opens our eyes to see something happening right before us. That is how I feel with the four growing congregations at the Bucharest International Church (BIC). I see a replanted and growing Romanian church, a thriving Nepalese church, a life-seeking group of Ukrainians, and a diverse church of English-speaking internationals. Together they form vibrant international gatherings!
The Romanian church is growing in depth as new people are stepping up in leadership roles and positions of influence. The Nepalese are engaging with the thousands coming into Romania and Bucharest as part of Romania’s newest work force. The needs in Ukraine continue to be horrific and staggering as one sees the destruction and loss of precious lives. God ministers encouragement and life to those who gather every Sunday afternoon at BIC. The English-speaking internationals continue to come from more than a dozen countries. They bring vitality, creativity, variety, and continually show us how vast God’s great family truly is!
Through all of this God reminds us in Isaiah 43:19: “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (NIV)
God’s Love Reaches but also Brings Together
“At the Bucharest International Church, we feel that God strategically called us to be among this population. Romania is becoming more diverse, and especially Bucharest, as it has a larger and larger population of people who were not originally born in the country,” comments Pastor Cristi in the 2 ½ minute video clip. “It is such an honour to see the people from ten to fifteen nationalities come together. We are now at a point where we are trying to re-discover who God wants us to be in this season.
God is also calling us to live in unity. I’ve seen many moments when Christian leaders decided to come together. It’s beautiful. I hope I can facilitate more of that cooperation because that exemplifies the heart of God for people. God’s love reaches but also brings together.”