In early November, beginning in Europe’s largest city of Istanbul with a population of more than 15 million people, I (Dan) shared 12 full days of remarkable events and ministry time with Ed Sanders from Kelowna, BC.


  • Visiting 2 Syrian refugee camps near Ephesus in western Turkey.

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  • Serving food and snacks to more than 60 children in the 2 camps.
  • Praying in Izmir with a gathering of 6 congregations for an American pastor being detained in a high security prison.

Prayer & Worship evening for Pastor

  • Inspired by the historical sites of Smyrna, Ephesus, and Laodicea – 3 of the 7 churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation.
  • Seeing the financial generosity of Canadians to make this trip possible and bless our Global Workers and their ministry initiatives in Turkey!


Travel alerts, bombings, arrests, and shootings in Istanbul while we were there – but God kept us safe!


  • Seeing and experiencing the community that our PAOC colleagues, Mike Martin, Jason Willis and family have established with the team at their church, at their ministry base, and in the surrounding cities! So many new friends as a result!
  • Praying with Jason for a man in the 1st Syrian refugee camp and seeing him healed. After prayer, Ali, unable to work due to pain said, “Warm heat moved through my lower back and down my leg!” A week later Ali visited the ministry center “Hope House” near the camp. He was happy and feeling better. “Can you come and visit me at the camp again?” he asked Jason. “And, can you pray for me again?”
  • Meeting people who have had visions of Jesus coming to them and seeing the high price they pay for following Him! For example, a lady like Nishei who had a vision of Jesus and is now leading a ministry near Ephesus.

Would you pray for?

  • The pastor, Andrew Brunson, to be released from prison.
  • More Arabic speaking people to work with those “ready” to understand more about Jesus in this spiritually open area of Turkey – violence, arrests, and bombings have a way to open people to consider Jesus.
  • Safety for our colleagues and workers at this time as Turkey experiences terrorism on a frequent basis.

Connect with us:

Dan and Mardell MacTavish
Global Workers Eurasia

14166 Malabar Avenue,
White Rock, BC V4B 2Y3